Tuesday, May 16 featuring a workshop with Jim Minty
Cost: $10 (no pre-registration; pay at door)
7:45 to 8:00 p.m. open dancing
8:00 - 8:45 PM workshop with Jim Minty
8:45 pm - announcements
8:50 - 10:15 pm approximately - open dancing. Out of hall by 10:30 pm.
Eastern Star Hall @ 3281 Harriet Road, Victoria, B.C. beside Rudd Park - West of Uptown,
Certified as a teacher and Judge. Event Director for Easter Swing for 10 years growing from 500 to over 900 dancers. Chief Judge and trainer of judges and many teachers in WCS. Focuses mainly on how to create and maintain connection between you and your partner. Pushes the social aspect of these dances and the flexibility and appreciation of the variety of music you can dance to. Jim’s fortes are WCS, NC2, Shag and Hustle. Teaching beginners the basics to have a strong foundation, and advanced/All-Star dancers the fundamentals that they’ve lost along the way to creating their own look and ability for presentation. Provides tips and tricks for ALL levels of dancers.
Jim is available for privates from Wednesday - Friday. Contact him through his FB page: https://www.facebook.com/jim.minty.1
Email: nwdanceconnection@gmail.com